Configuration management principles and practice pdf

Alex pott drupal research engineer follow december 09, 2014. This paper identifies fundamental principles and practices essential to the successful performance of a configuration management system. Concept based notes principles and practices of management. With more than twenty years of experience in it, she has been involved in all aspects of software development. Iso 7 quality management systems guidelines for configuration management ansieia649 national consensus standard for configuration management geiahb649 configuration management guidance copies of this document are available from. Software configuration management principles and best practices. Resources are in place to administer the chosen method of configuration management. Management theorists and practitioners may chose one or two of the five functions as most important, but this is not borne out normatively. Introduction to management and leadership concepts. The objective of this paper is to familiarize the student with basic management concepts and behavioral processes in the organization. The purpose of this configuration management plan cmp is to identify the principles for a configuration audit are established. Configuration management principles and practice agile software development hass, anne mette jonassen on. Hass, configuration management principles and practice.

The service availability forum has recognized this need and developed a set of specifications to help software designers and developers to focus. Configuration management principles and practice anne mette jonassen hass. Software cm is a discipline for controlling the evolution. The eplc provides the context for the governance process and describes. Configuration management principles and practice agile. Principles of configuration management part one chapter three. As agile software development methodologies become more common and mature, proven best practices in all phases of the software development life cycle are of increasing importance. Define management and describe its essential characteristics or nature. Configuration management cm is the business process that helps the team to rapidly develop, package, and deliver quality software. The author emphasizes these foundational principles. The course will be an introduction to the way in which a firm can develop its managerial thinking, mission and strategy. Many of these applications are expected to provide their services continuously.

In sum, a configuration management system includes the set of policies, practices, and tools that help an organization maintain software configurations. Configuration management principles and practice informit. Principles and practices of management 7 unit 1 management an overview q. Configuration management cm for agile development has now been discussed since the turn of the century. Anne mette jonassen hass is a senior consultant and registered bootstrap lead assessor for delta danish electronics, lights, and acoustics, one of europes leading international testing and design consulting organizations. It is much ahead of your competitors as it includes the management of all essential artifacts that are created during the software lifecycle. Pdf configuration management best practices download full. Configuration management cm is a systems engineering process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a products performance, functional, and physical attributes with its requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life. It introduces how configuration management has evolved and is applied within the mod but looks at the wider applicability of its principles. It tracks the different revisions to the design, blueprints, technical specifications, and can tell you which one is the lastest revision, so that the right part can be identified. Configuration management standard sae international. Concepts in configuration management systems ftp directory.

The configuration management strategy is created in the initiating a project process and forms a. Hass, configuration management principles and practice pearson. Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups. Configuration management online training ohotraining. Configuration management addresses the need for establishing a methodology to control the various elements of the change and validation processes. This is the first in a series of posts about drupal 8. Although cm can seem laborious, if not employed, the. Configuration management cm is frequently misunderstood. The technology should allow you to view configurations at each promotion level based on the change status alone. This standard defines five cm functions and their underlying principles. Introduction to configuration management best practices. Configuration management principles and practice anne mette. The requirements of the operational group or similar group to whom the projects product will be transitioned should be considered. These guidelines provide the reader with the basic.

A guide to configuration management for intelligent. Configuration management principles and practice pdf free. So generally, the configuration management is reduced to simply change management promotingrollback the change status. So what are the core principles of cm and how can cm help agile teams. This paper identifies fundamental principles and practices essential to the secondary purposes for identifying the configuration management principles and. Configuration management is the solution to solve this wrongreplacementpart problem. This standard describes configuration management functions and principles and defines a neutral configuration management terminology for use with any product line.

Introduction to management and leadership concepts, principles, and practices ing. Configuration management principles and practice semantic scholar. Configuration management principles and practice citeseerx. The practice standard on project configuration management pspcm is consistent with a guide to the project management body of knowledge pmbok guide third edition, and provides additional information on the practice of pcm. Software configuration management structure is comprised of a series of patterns that create an organization chart for developing software. This book gives the reader a practical understanding of the complexity and. The principles, highlighted in text boxes, are designed to individually identify the essence of the related cm function and can be used to collectively create a checklist of best. The configuration manager analyzes the information requested to determine the appropriate level of audit and verification. Principles of management by robert kreitner free pdf. Start by assigning a configuration management process owner who will be responsible for owning the configuration management strategy, structure and process. Effective configuration management cm involves the practice of processing system changes systematically with the primary intent of updating the system while maintaining system integrity. My colleagues rightly remind me that configuration management is defined as. Configuration management is designed to turn perception into reality if changes are made to configuration items, the safety of the product could be breached configuration item selections must be made by a team, not by one person or department in addition to providing an unprecedented overview. Configuration management schedules describes the general cm activities schedule.

Little that managers at all levels in an organization do falls outside the purview of the five management functions. Configuration management plan maintenance the cmp will be updated as per the wbs. It is an interactive course using syndicate exercises to consolidate learning that discusses roles and responsibilities, key definitions and configuration management processes. Pdf configuration management in complex engineering projects. Configuration management principles and practice agile software. Cm is not easy, but at the same time, it need not be difficult. Example configuration control board charter servicenow. Configuration management is primarily a version control system for the product. Microsofts software configuration management best practices read more configuration management principles and practice. So although this is a best practice, it is highly dependent upon the proper technology. Students examine a basic framework for understanding the role and functions of management and an explanation for the principles, concepts and techniques that can be used in carrying out these functions. Jan 25, 2018 software configuration management patterns. Configuration management resources describes the cm organizational products, tools, support environment, personnel, and training.

This discipline is growing in popularity because it allows project participants to better identify potential problems, manage change, and efficiently track the progress of a software project. Our society increasingly depends on computerbased systems. The book is included in the agile software development series because there is growing recognition that an effective configuration management strategy is the cornerstone of a truly agile project. When configuration management principles are applied using effective practices, return on investment is maximized, product life cycle costs are reduced and the small investment in resources necessary for effective configuration management is returned many fold in cost avoidance. Through configuration examples and recommendations drawn from the authors considerable experience, this practical guide will help readers to better manage and deliver projects. A variety of agile software development methods and practices have now been around for a solid ten years and existed for at least another ten years prior. With the deeper knowledge of cm principles taught in this book, readers will be better able to manage and deliver their next project.

The general definition of configuration management is a process that accommodates changes and perpetually documents how a physical system is configured, i. Configuration management principles and practice explains the elements and benefits of a sound cm strategy and shows how to put that strategy into action. One of the first tasks that the process owner should undertake is creating and ratifying a service asset and configuration management sacm policy. Each pattern represents a step where code is either written, tested, or integrated into another pattern and eventually released as a new version of the. We are pleased that all editions have been so well received and that many individuals and programs have worked hard to implement the principles contained therein. Principles of configuration management course details. Topics include planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling, as well as decisionmaking and managing change. Practice standard for project configuration management. Best practice recommendations configuration management sun services white paper may 2007 abstract modern it organizations can have hundreds or thousands of servers supporting business users around the world. When configuration management principles are applied using effective practices, return on investment is maximized, product life cycle costs are reduced and.

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